8. 4 Ways to Build Emotional Intelligence with our Tweens and Teens
Tess Connolly talks to Dr. Christine Harkness all about emotional intelligence for when you need a reset around our tweens or teens emotions and how to navigate them.
- What Christine found to be fundamental as a teacher and parent coach
- The importance of emotional intelligence and what emotional intelligence is
- How parents can instill emotional intelligence with our tweens and teens
- Ways to talk with our kids about emotions and how we as parents can practice emotional intelligence skills
- Validating emotions and how to do this with our kids
- Practice active listening until you understand your child’s emotion, and then use their language back to them
- The Feelings Wheel to develop your child’s emotional understand and articulation of emotions
- Strategy of Reflection with our emotions, make meaning of them and planning ahead
You can find more about Christine Harkness and her book here: https://www.amazon.com/Calm-Mom-Tricks-Yelling-Healthy-ebook/dp/B098QYVD5W